Deal Team

We accelerate growth at our pharmaceutical and biotech portfolio companies across the five stages of development:

1. Sourcing:

a. Strategic Fit:

  • Identify companies that align with the PE firm's investment thesis and expertise in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors.
  • Evaluate the growth potential, competitive positioning, and innovation within the target companies.
  • Evaluate the growth potential, competitive positioning, and innovation within the target companies.

b. Due Diligence:

  • Conduct preliminary due diligence to assess the financial health, intellectual property, regulatory landscape, and market positioning of potential targets.
  • Identify key growth drivers, potential risks, and opportunities for value creation.

2. Pre-close Due Diligence:

a. Deep Dive Due Diligence:

  • Perform an in-depth examination of the target company's operations, technology, and market positioning.
  • Engage with key stakeholders, including management teams, to understand the company's strategic vision and potential challenges.

b. Risk Mitigation:

  • Develop strategies to mitigate identified risks, such as regulatory uncertainties, market competition, and technological challenges.
  • Validate the assumptions made during the initial sourcing phase.

3. 100-Day Planning

a. Strategic Roadmap:

  • Develop a detailed 100-day plan outlining immediate priorities and strategic initiatives.
  • Identify quick wins and areas for operational improvements to kickstart growth.

b. Leadership Assessment:

  • Evaluate the existing leadership team and make necessary adjustments to align with growth objectives.
  • Recruit or appoint key executives with the expertise to drive the company's strategic vision.

c. Operational Optimization:

  • Implement operational efficiency measures, such as streamlining processes, optimizing the supply chain, and enhancing research and development capabilities.
  • Begin initiatives to accelerate product development and innovation.

4. Ongoing Investment (3-5 years):

a. Strategic Value Addition:

  • Actively engage with the portfolio company's management to provide industry insights, strategic guidance, and operational support.
  • Invest in research and development to enhance the product pipeline and bring innovative solutions to market.

b. Market Expansion:

  • Explore new markets and geographies for expansion.
  • Forge strategic partnerships, collaborations, and licensing agreements to broaden the company's reach and capabilities.

c. Digital Transformation:

  • Embrace digital technologies to optimize data analytics, improve decision-making processes, and enhance operational efficiency.
  • Explore opportunities for incorporating advanced technologies into manufacturing processes.

5. Exit:

a. Exit Planning:

  • Develop a comprehensive exit strategy aligned with market conditions and the overall portfolio.
  • Optimize the timing of the exit to maximize returns while considering market trends and potential acquirers.

b. Value Maximization:

  • Implement final value enhancement measures to showcase the company's growth and potential to prospective buyers.
  • Consider options such as IPOs, trade sales, or secondary buyouts based on market dynamics.

c. Smooth Transition:

  • Ensure a smooth transition of ownership, providing support during the handover process.
  • Continue to monitor the industry landscape for any changes that may impact the exit strategy.